New Ransomworm, Petya, is the newest ransomware exploit you need to know about.
GroundForce IT is monitoring the latest ransomware variant, Petya, sweeping across the globe. This ransomware is having an impact across a wide range of industries.
We recommend the following:
• Patch and update your systems, or consider a proactive monitoring and patching solution from GroundForce IT.
• Make sure backups are occurring daily, and perform test restores on a regular basis.
• Do not open files or click on links from unknown email senders.
• If you do not normally receive PDF’s, Word or Excel files from a known sender, don’t open it! Call the sender and find out if they did indeed email it to you, their system may be compromised.
• Insure your firewall is patched and getting the has the latest virus, malware and content filtering subscription from the manufacturer.
• Deploy behavioral monitoring within your Anti-Virus product to thwart unwanted modifications to the system.
• Limit access to file systems, by user, to mitigate against ransomware spreading across your entire network.
if you have questions about your systems or need any assistance please feel free to contact us anytime.